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Vault Rooms is here when the office closes

Keeping Your Business Alive During Pandemic

Virtual Data Rooms, like Vault Rooms, provides safe remote working options.

As fears of pandemic and illness spread across the country and the world, businesses and companies are choosing to close their physical offices to avert disaster. 

As your company moves its operations into the virtual world, how are you protecting yourself and your employees? 

Don’t rely on Dropbox and Google Drive when it comes to secure and confidential file sharing. 

Security that Outlasts any Shutdown

In a business transaction, internal audit, or any number of data transfer events, security needs to be the top priority. Usually the limiting factor in such business is time, and companies will skimp on security in order to keep their work moving fast. But in the current moment, the limiting factor is no longer time. It’s access. 

Don’t let the lack of physical presence deny your company the security it needs in file sharing. Virtual Vault Rooms use state of the art measures to protect your files and your information, unlike other file sharing resources. As face-to-face interactions become less numerous, let us do the heavy lifting in bringing together the resources needed. 

“Whether we use Digital Rights Management (DRM), encrypted login access, or dynamic watermarking, Vault Rooms maximizes protection for our clients.”

Our clients repeatedly emphasize dynamic watermarking as their favorite aspect of our security process. Our use of color, transparency, and unique information like IP address gives clients the maximum level of security they can achieve in the digital space. 

There is no limit to which criminals will go to steal your information and harm your business. In times like these, it’s vital to protect yourself, your business, and your co-workers, in the same way you’ve chosen to do during this time of pandemic. 

Vault Rooms – A Leading Virtual Data Room Provider

Vault Rooms has served private equity firms, brokers, banks, accountants, investment bankers, and more, over our 13 year history. We work around the clock so you don’t have to, and so that if you must, you’ll always have access to your documentation 24/7/365. We’ve facilitated tens of thousands M&A events across any industry you can think of. 

About the Author

Karen Perkins is the CEO and Co-Founder of Vault Rooms, Inc. She is a troubleshooter, problem solver, and efficiency expert. Her career experiences have provided a broad foundation of skills that make her uniquely qualified to assist companies with their growth, transition, and operational improvement. She advocates for the use of simple and secure technology tools designed to make work and life easier with the Super S.M.A.R.T. Women platform. Likewise, her company, Vault Rooms, is a technology platform for the simple and secure sharing of business-critical files.