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Why You Need an Email Alert System

If you took the time to check every application you use on an hourly basis, or even daily, for updates you’d quickly be overwhelmed. With the ever-growing abundance of accounts and profiles  on social media, spontaneous online shopping and business accounts, it’s important to consider whether the services you’re trusting are providing email alerts to notify you of account changes and updates.

Email Alert Systems Assist Awareness

Suppose your company has implemented a third-party software to optimize productivity in the workplace. Every employee receives an account, and this service is used to facilitate the day-to-day functions of the firm. While it might be easy to suppose that you’ll check the software continually for updates, it’s more plausible that it gets lost in the shuffle of every other responsibility you’re already juggling.

As a user, it’s valuable to have an email alert system because it saves minutes, or even hours, of work on your own time. You should be able to focus on what matters – the work at hand – rather than micro-managing application updates in an attempt to stay up to speed. If any news breaks out regarding your areas of responsibility, an email should be dispatched to notify you before there’s ever any reason to worry.

Customizing Your Alerts

Perhaps one of the best features of a standard email alert system is the ability to customize how often emails are sent, where they’re sent, and what instances should prompt an email being sent. If you only want to receive an email when a client has opened and printed a file, it’s easy and intuitive to do.

Any reliable 3rd party application should understand the notification needs of the average user. That includes staying informed without feeling overwhelmed or burdened by a constant barrage of information.

Vault Rooms has implemented a flexible and reliable email alert system to provide the best service available in the virtual data room market. If you’re looking for a solution to keep your business-critical files safe and accessible, we’re here to help.

To learn more about how our virtual data rooms can help you keep your business-critical document safe, get started here: